For decades advertising created the mass conciousness of the global consumer society. The messages are simple: be yourself and take what you want – consume, don’t care about anything but your own
pleasure. Meanwhile nature sends signs to remind us of the limits of resources and pollution. Developments in society show us that tension between different groups grow and become more violent. Also
reactions and actions of individuals show the outcome of the “endless freedom and pleasure” culture.
To set a sign and give voice to different problems, solutions, developments we produced spots which we now call “kontra” (formerly called “social ads”). As TV is one of the most important
mass-communication media and ads are the main means to spread today’s ideology KONTRA uses some basic elements from advertising: short and memorable messages, symbols, music and repetition...
However, contrary to the commercials KONTRA advocates solidarity, protection of the weak, solutions for problems, cooperation, etc.
Until now spots on themes like: violence against women, crimes in the name of honor, children living on the streets, anti-personal mines, earthquake, erosion, pollution of the Mediterranean, persons
with special needs (pyschiatric, pysical, neurological), danger of corrosive liquids for children, violence in football, ... were made.
The importance of KONTRA is to show sensitivity towards the persons and issues being communicated. KONTRA tries to ensure the dignity of the persons involved and to take in account their
vulnerability. Once again, contrary to commercial agencies KONTRA is not focused on sexy appearance of issues and people but to present the intentions and messages in a way that involves the audience
rather than striking them.
In 2008, we are working on the second part of the campaign called “MEDITERRANEAN IS OVER” which we made in 2006. The campaign is copyleft like our all other KONTRA works. Besides short films, there
are still images and graphic desings in different formats, such as A4 papers, postcards or book separators. If you would like to demand any of these documents, the only thing you should do is to send
an explanatory e-mail to sos@bilgi.edu.tr or to eozguven@bilgi.edu.tr
...alp üçok, ahu yoğtu, alper maral, bülent özcan, barış çelebi,banu acun birol demir,
cem ersözlü, direnç kıymaç, deniz kurşunlu, dylan pank, eduardo jesus, evin özgüven,
erden özer yalçınkaya, ethem özgüven, elfin yüksektepe, emel çelebi, emel pala,
funda alp, feyyaz yaman, nevzat arı, elif canan onat, güneş çoban, gülüm baltacıgil,
gökhan eryaman, gabriel soucheyre, eduardo de jesus, halil kandemir, hakan yılmaz,
ıtır erhart, ılgın akarsu, jakub michalski, kamil saka, metin acar, ozan adam,
ömer faruk arabacı, ömer vatanarttıran, osman varolsun, osman umuroğlu, oğuz peri,
petra holzer, stelios krounakis, süleyman yılmaz, sevgi gönül, semih yücel, serdar gürmen,
selçuk erzurumlu, solanga farkas, serkan çiftçi, tül akbal, ulaş beşoklar, yasemin baydar,
tuğrul eryılmaz, walter pucher, volkan çetin, yağmur kaşifoğlu,zafer kaya, zafer topaloğlu,
zehra kafkaslı...